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Estella’s Experience on the Kauai Adventure Trip

Estella’s Experience on the Kauai Adventure Trip

Saturday, April 16, 2022

It was definitely worth it for me to take a leap out of my comfort zone and go on the all-girls trip with Created for Adventure to the beautiful island of Kauai! It was a once in a lifetime expereince.  It was truly eye-opening to leave the world of technology behind and take in the beauty of the world around me. Being disconnected and surrounded by nature provided me a sense of peace and ability to see God in a new light. I was also able to strengthen friendships and create new ones.


Hawaii Teen TripThis trip truly allows you to see the beauty of God's work and leaves you in awe! One of my favorite things to do each morning was to watch the sun rise over the fields and listen to the birds. Then, I’d walk over to the patio for yoga and a devotion. Waking up to see God paint the sky with the colors of the sunrise instead of checking my phone was something that I grew to love even more with each day.

At night, I loved watching the shooting stars painted over the galaxy above us. In Kauai, you can really see the stars, constellations, and the planets on a whole new level due to the low percentage of light pollution. One night, my cabin got to see a meteor shower while laying out in the grass watching the stars, which is a moment I will never forget. From surfing to horseback riding, we got to see the beauty of the island and be in awe of God’s power.

On this trip I truly felt closer to God. I could see God working through the people around me. I felt the stress of the world roll off my shoulders and I felt at peace. Our daily devotionals gave me a new mindset that was focused on our Lord. I am truly grateful for my amazing leaders and this awe-inspiring experience I had in Hawaii.

By Estella Wollny