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importance unplugging teensDo you remember when you were a child and the world seemed full of wonder? Do you remember spending hours outside with just your friends and your imagination? One of the best parts of being a parent is seeing the sense of wonder we see in our children’s eyes. 

You may feel like the sense of imagination begins to fade as your children become teenagers. You can help cultivate your child’s creativity as they are growing into young adults. One of the ways you can make sure your teenager is inspired by our wonderful world is to sign them up for a faith-based adventure camp this summer. 

Created for Adventure provides experiences in beautiful places to challenge teens to live their lives to the fullest, and to enhance a better understanding of God's love. Here is how your kid can benefit from experiencing a faith-based adventure camp. 

Created for Adventure Faith-Based Adventure Camps for Teenagers

Our Adventure Trips are more than just a relaxing vacation.

While learning more about God's love for them, students will travel to some of the most amazing destinations in our country. Every adventure camp experience revolves around the person and character of Jesus. Morning devotions and evening small group meetings will give opportunities for students to grow in their faith throughout the week.

Campers will go on incredible adventures and push themselves to try new things by going outside of their comfort zones. They will be able to disconnect from everyday distractions and spend time in God's beautiful creation.

We are not affiliated with a specific denomination. We believe that God created the world and everything in it, including us. We believe God loves us. We believe that Jesus is God's son. We believe that loving others and enjoying a life full of adventure glorifies God.

Join us on extraordinary adventures as we seek a deeper understanding of God's love for us and the importance of loving others.

Benefits of Faith-Based Adventure Camps 

Some additional benefits of adventure camps for teens include:

  • Experience adventure in some of North America's most beautiful and picturesque locations.
  • Learn more about God's love for them and have a greater understanding of it.
  • Be encouraged to live life to the fullest and to see each day as an adventure.
  • Learn life-changing insights from older mentors.
  • Improve your understanding of the world God created and how to care for it.

The greatest benefit of faith-based adventure camps is that they will enhance your teenager's relationship with God and give them a better understanding of God's love. If this sounds like the trip your teen needs and you can see how they would benefit from learning about God's wonderful love on one of these adventurous experiences, please contact us with any questions you might have.

You can also sign up on our website right now. We're excited to see how much you'll learn and grow on one of our adventure expeditions!