Best Teen Adventure in Yellowstone
When you think of Yellowstone, you may think of majestic, snow-covered, rocky peaks, wide, forested valleys, and of course, Old Faithful. You may think of wide open spaces filled with opportunities for outdoor adventures and quiet solitude. And if you are a teenager, you may dream of a wonderful place for a grand teen adventure camp.
Teen Adventure in the Wilds of Yellowstone
On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone became the first national park for all to enjoy the unique hydrothermal and geologic features. Within Yellowstone's 2.2 million acres, visitors have unparalleled opportunities to observe wildlife in an intact ecosystem, explore geothermal areas that contain about half the world’s active geysers, and view geologic wonders like the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River.
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho, too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful. It's also home to hundreds of animal species, including bears, wolves, bison, elk, and antelope.
To the Crow, it was the “land of the burning ground” or “land of vapors;” to the Blackfeet, it was known as “many smoke;” to the Flatheads, it was “smoke from the ground;” to the Kiowa, it was called “the place of hot water.”
Kiowa, Blackfeet, Cayuse, Coeur d'Alene, Shoshone, Nez Perce, and other tribes are all believed to have explored and utilized the park for its abundant resources during some point in their recent history within the past several hundred years; however, only one small group known as the Sheep Eaters actually lived there year around.
And if you wish to follow in their footsteps and be a part of the best teen adventure in Yellowstone, then check out Created for Adventure for your gateway to adventure in Yellowstone.
Best Teen Adventure in Yellowstone
Created for Adventure leads a Rockies-Teton-Yellowstone Expedition for grades 9 to 12 each summer, where campers will take 14 days to explore the many wonders of Yellowstone.
The trip includes camping, hiking, and horseback riding within the pristine wilderness found in the Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Rocky Mountain National Park offers an abundance of wildlife and endless adventures. The trip also includes whitewater rafting the Snake River and attending a rodeo in Jackson Hole.
Created for Adventure Provides the Best Teen Adventure in Yellowstone
Created for Adventure provides opportunities for teens ages 13-18 to experience adventure with new friends. We have many adventure trips for youth to locations such as Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Yellowstone, and the Tetons to experience a life-changing adventure.
We are a family-owned Adventure Travel Company located in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Please take a moment to meet our founders, David and Colleen Schnitzer, who have over 25 years of experience in adventure travel, camps, and youth ministry.
Created for Adventure is an investment and stepping stone in a teenager's life that equips them to seek an adventurous life filled with purpose. On a Created for Adventure trip, your teen will grow in many ways:
- They'll gain lifelong skills by stepping out of their comfort zone to try new things: whether it's trying to learn how to surf, climb, or cook a meal for a group for the first time!
- Teenagers will grow in their relationship skills and ability to make new friends. Our campers arrive as complete strangers but go home as best friends.
- Our experiences foster independence and confidence in teenagers from the moment they are dropped off at the airport and begin the journey to their destination.
- Campers will gain a greater understanding of how much God loves them and a deeper appreciation for our beautiful world!
If you are ready for an adventure of a lifetime that will stretch your comfort zone, then check out the many opportunities available through Created for Adventure. Check out our website at Created for Adventure for more information and to book your reservation for your adventure to Yellowstone.